No more hand fatigue
Since the beginning of construction works, Seacraft scooters used innovative stator system, inspired by jet engine construction. All propellers work cause torque effect- natural consequence of it’s rotating action, what causes water stream to swirl, and creates turning force on scooter handle what increases diver’s fatigue.
Our system interacts with propeller slipstream, changing it’s swirl to net thrust- and ejects more uniform water collumn- what increases maneuverability and decreases silting when moving close to fine-sediments bottom.

Flow trajectories without post-swirl stator

Seacraft designed this element using under-cambered airfoil, to allow for complete elimination of torque effect, in all speed ranges (created counterforce is proportional to water flow speed). This results in ~8% thrust increase compared to efficiency without this element, and gives more power and longer range- plus, scooter actually does not have to be held at all, as it does not create a turning force.
Special construction technology based on fiberglass reinforced polymers allowed to make it almost neutral in water, for easiness of underwater scooter dismantling protocols.
On special orders- this element can add up to 200g of extra buoyancy, when filled with hard closed cell foam.