Dual scooter platforms Double the power
Seacraft coupling system allows to connect two regular DPV into transport platforms. The central connecting platform has water-trimmable innovative buoyancy compensation chambers, allowing one to assemble a navigation system, and specialistic equipment, or simply load it with dry bags.
A straightforward and quick coupling system allows splitting it into two fully independent scooters in a few seconds.
Discover the unique features

Magnetic propulsion
The most unique element of Seacraft construction is its motor which operates directly in the water.
Specially designed and patented solutions allow complete elimination of the drive shaft and the need for unreliable seals and gear transmissions used in other DPVs.

Post-swirl stator system
Seacraft scooters use innovative stator system, inspired by jet engine construction. It provides zero turning force on the scooter’s handle at all speeds range and increased efficiency of drive system- resulting in ~8% more thrust.

Silent drive
Silence… it what we look for underwater. Seacraft is most silent DPV on the market- with virtually no sound generated, thanks to transmission-less, and shaft-less construction.

Airfoil shaped propeller
Seacraft designed a unique propeller adjusted for the diver’s load and speeds- which are much different than regular boat operations. Airfoil shape allows to not only push the water away, but act as aeroplane wing – what gives great work efficiency, and high force also on lower RPM levels.

Extreme Efficiency
Secraft is extremely well optimized for work efficiency. This means, that it drains drastically less energy to propel a diver, than than other construction. Tests proven that it can be even 50% less power used for the same load, compared with popular brands constructions.

Easy trimming
Seacraft allows for easy adjustment of weight, in order to trim it for fresh, salt, mixed, or whatever water you need to operate in, accounting personal preferences of diver.
Doual scooter in action
Dual scooter platforms Support