Frederic is a 50-year-old French well know diver and scientist from Marseille. Speleonaut explorer, a mechanical engineer Trimix, cave and rebreathers instructor. Frederic is a diver since the age of 12. First solo Trimix dive at -120 m at the age of 18. Began using the rebreather in 2000. Since 2022 Seacraft brand ambassador.
Frederic holds the world record for cave diving depth of -308m. That has been set on the 3rd of November 2023.

- October 1994 – Font Del Truffe (Lot – France). Longest “multi-sump” dive: 21 hours.
- November 1999 – Saint Sauveur (Lot – France). Main gallery explored up to – 98m.
- May 2016 – Port Miou (Calanques of Marseille). New deep gallery was discovered in the “terminal” well, 1600 m from the entrance. + 140 m.
- August 2016 – Mescla Cave (Gorges du Var – Alpes Maritimes). Exploration of sump no. 3 down to -267 m.
- May 2017 – Crveno jezero (Red Lake – Croatia). 3rd widest karst chasm in the world, explored to the bottom at -240 m during a 180-minute dive.
- May 2019 – Ojos del Salado Lake (Argentina). World record for altitude diving at 5870 m.
- August 2019 – Miljacka – Cetina Glavas & Gospodska (Balkans). Underground post siphon camp. More than a kilometer of firsts.
- September 2019 – Harasib (Namibia). Deep dives (>100 m) and scientific work to the bottom of a karst chasm of more than 120 meters.
- November 2023 – World depth record at Font Estramar in France: -308 m.

Cave diving depth world record
On the 3rd of November 2023 Frederic set a new world record on a depth of 308 m for the deepest cave dive.
During cave diving in the resurgence of Font Estramar after a series of long dives to test the equipment and protocols, on Friday, November 3 Frederic started his dive in Font Estramar cave in France. After passing the current EOL at 260 meters, he has driven his Seacraft Ghost to explore the cave down to -308 meters.
Faced with the configuration of the cave, Fred chose to separate the dual Seacraft GHOST scooters and use one as the primary scooter, and the other as a backup unit. Fredric and his team are currently using ENC3 navigation console data to understand the topography of the cave as precisely as possible, but also for medical decompression reports.
Frederic Swierczynski Activities