Project name:Exsurgence de Gourneyrou
Project type:Cave Exploration & Survey
Location:France / Gard Region
Date:2012, 2013, 2021, 2022
cavebase Exsurgence de Gourneyrou
Team Cavebase has a long lasting history of exploring the Gourneyrou Cave. The Gourneyrou is quite close to more commonly known Gourneyras Cave in the deep valley of the River Vis.
The first attempt to reach the end of the Gourneyrou took place in 2012, unfortunately it had to be aborted due to technical problems.
In 2013 Wilke & Tobi managed successfully to get to the known end, during their dive they tried to look for any possible extension of the cave. The 11-hour dive was so demanding that it required a habitat for decompression, but disappointingly at the end of the day they did not find any new territory.
May 2021
In May 2021, a new generation of Team Cavebase members decided to make the Gourneyrou a longer lasting project. The aim was to learn from the experience of previous projects by adapting the gained knowledge. During this process, the cave was surveyed with the help of newer and more advanced technology. Bu then the team only had a plan available from the late 1990s. Before applying the new technologies, the cave had to be cleaned up, all the chaotic lines have been removed and the team properly surveyed and documented the first 500m into the cave.
October 2021
In October 2021 we had to cancel our planned exploration due to bad weather. Heavy rain made it impossible and to dangerous for any dive.
In 2022 we started our next project at the Exsurgence de Gourneyrou. With our new Seacraft underwater Scooters we looked for a continuation of this huge cave. This time we had the advantage of using our previously gained knowledge and data to find potential new passages in 105m depth.
Further explorations are planned. The demanding part of the Gourneyrou Cave is its profile, it is deemed to be almost impossible to dive. In addition, its location is very remote and difficult to reach, but the Cavebase team have decided to continue the exploration of this stunning cave.
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