Seacraft Connect App for iOS available

At the beginning of the year, we released Seacraft Connect App. The application was available only for Android users. Now we are pleased to announce that our development work on the version for iOS users has been completed and the app is available to download on App Store.

Seacraft Connect App allow you to configure and set up the parameters of your Seacraft DPV from your smartphone. Now, it is also possible to individually program the DPV speed on each of the gears, in order to fine-tune it to your individual needs. The Seacraft Connect app will be a handy addition to managing scooters and improving your diving experience with Seacraft DPVs.

The application is compatible with Future and Ghost scooters with the 4.1 software and higher. All scooters delivered after 15.01.2023 are already compatible.

Seacraft Connect App available to download from:

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