It's mag(net)ic
The most unique element of Seacraft construction is its motor which operates directly in the water.
Specially designed and patented solutions allow complete elimination of the drive shaft and the need for unreliable seals and gear transmissions used in other DPVs.

The motor working in the water is much more durable and resistant to workload and also completely eliminates overheating inside the scooter. Innovative solutions enable the user to work much deeper, longer and with much greater motor power. Moreover, the motor runs almost silently, currently it’s the quietest scooter on the market.
As there are no moving elements on seals, there is no possibility of flooding the unit at greater depths, or becouse of lack of maintanance.
Eliminting friction increase with depth- typicial for all shaft-seal solutions, Seacraft has the same efficiency on 3m depth, as on 300m.