The electronic navigation console ENC3 is a revolutionary device and the only one so compact and powerful navigational underwater tool available on the market.

Electronic navigation consolecreated by divers for divers
For years, divers have been travelling the immense depths of water. Thanks to Seacraft DPVs, they dive deeper and farther, crossing new borders, exploring new caves and finding new wrecks.
ENC3 allows one to set a destination underwater, navigate to it and return to the entry point, simultaneously logging the track covered underwater. Important points of the route can be marked and saved.
All of the crucial data – direction information, compass course, depth, distance to the target, estimated time to arrive, current speed and diving time – are displayed right in the driver’s field of vision, facilitating navigation even with high speeds.

Simply and safely to the destination
Each of us, regardless of whether we dive recreationally, technically, or professionally must reach the destination, then safely return to its base, all the time keeping the orientation underwater.
This is not always easy and obvious, especially with poor visibility, complex tasks or high speeds and distances that can be achieved thanks to modern DPVs. Seacraft offers a range of innovative products created by engineers, whose diving experience combined with engineering knowledge allows to perfectly adapt products to the needs of other divers.

Multiple options of usecave survey
ENC3 became a standard method of cave survey, due to the precision and speed of collecting data. Depending on needs all Seacraft’s Electronic Navigation consoles can be used both assembled on the scooter or without a scooter or with The Surveyor line survey tool (as on attached picture). Consoles are also prepared to assemble for other scooters than Seacraft.
* The accuracy of the measurement depends on the quality of the calibration and the absence of external interference.
** Device can use any 5 V DC power source as charger. When charging, it can consume up to 1 A current.
ENC3 dedicated for Future DPVsSET INCLUDES
ENC3 dedicated for Ghost DPVsSET INCLUDES
ENC3 dedicated for other DPVsSET INCLUDES
In action
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